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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Edward's Story

Edward Cullen is a 108 year old man in a 17 year old's body, and he has been living the life of a 17 year old repeatedly, occasionally pretending he has grown a year, and he is 18. Edward Cullen is a Vampire. 91 years ago, Edward Cullen was REALLY 17. His mother was ill and he was too. His mother whispered her last words to the doctor when they were in the hospital, "Do everything you can to save my Edward." She said those words as if she knew that the doctor was a vampire. Except Carlisle Cullen, a.k.a Edward's new, young, fake dad, is a good vampire. So he turned Edward into a vampire, resisting the urge to eat him. Now however, many other new vampires live with Carlisle and Edward. Rosalie Hale, Jasper Cullen, Esme Cullen(Carlisle's wife), Alice Cullen, and Emmett Cullen. They are all good vampires, too. Esme is married to Carlise, Rosalie is married to Emmett, and Alice is married to Jasper. They pretend they are just going out though, and not married because Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, and Emmett are all also 17, but a lot older in their body. Alice can see the future, Edward can read minds, and Jasper can change the mood of people around him. Edward is left alone with no soul mate. But then he meets Bella, an ordinary girl who move to Forks from Pheonix. He falls rather hardly for her. And she finds herself falling for Edward, too. They are in love, but how can you be in love with someone you want to eat, and so in love that if they were out of your lives you would do anything to get them back, or try not to live because there is no point in living when that person is gone. Read all four books for more info!

  1. Twilight
  2. New Moon
  3. Eclipse
  4. Breaking Dawn
